Call for papers

39th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology: "The Corporative Mechanisms in the NGO Interest Representation in Eastern Europe" regular session.  

Joint initiative of Kansas Population Center and Echo Survey Institute, is a program dedicated to study the interrelationships between population processes and social change in East European countries. For more information regarding this initiative, please access: "Demographic and social change program"

Echo Survey Training
Echo Survey Training


  Research Methodology Training

Survey as a data collection method has gained popularity in the last decade in Hungary, but the rate of problematic research projects, due to the inaccurate sampling, wrong questioning and to other types of problems, is considerably high.

We do believe that the best way to get acquainted with the methodological specialties of empirical research is in practice. According to this, besides the theoretical and practical training the participants have to conduct an own research with the assistance of the trainers. The syllabus is based on the experiences of the researchers in Echo, gained from the more then 100 surveys, on the experiences and routine of our colleagues as lecturers and on the methodological recommendations of international academic associations like ASA, WAPOR, IASS.

Our overall aim is to build a bridge between theory and practice something the academic education in Eastern Europe lacks.


For further information about the training please contact Tamás Domokos, director of methodology, via the e-mail address.


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