Call for papers

39th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology: "The Corporative Mechanisms in the NGO Interest Representation in Eastern Europe" regular session.  

Joint initiative of Kansas Population Center and Echo Survey Institute, is a program dedicated to study the interrelationships between population processes and social change in East European countries. For more information regarding this initiative, please access: "Demographic and social change program"

Echo Survey Training
Our people

Tamás Domokos

director of methodology


He started his research career in 1996, working for various poll opinion companies and nonprofit research groups. In 2004 he became the Director of Methodology at the Echo Sociological Research Institute. His main research areas are the changes in youth value systems and attitudes and the transition to adulthood. Besides these he does research on the problems of mental hygienic, drug use and behavior among youth.

Currently he is working on three major research projects: the life cycle of Eastern European NGOs; the objective and subjective components of life quality in Central Transdanubia in Hungary; and the strategies of the transition to adulthood during the post-socialist transformation.

He is a guest lecturer at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest and at the Hungarian Central Statistical Office. In the HCSO he participated in the adaptation of the Canadian Survey Skills Development Course. He is the expert of quantitative research methodology, with an emphasis on sampling techniques.


László J. Kulcsár

international consultant


After obtaining MS degrees at the College of Public Administration and the ELTE Institute of Sociology he is a PhD candidate at Cornell University. His main research interests are the spatial inequalities and the public policies on spatial development with a special emphasis on the Eastern European post-socialist transformation. He also studies the region's urbanization and population redistribution patterns.

Besides Eastern Europe he does research on the United States and Latin America. His work connects political science and social demography from a historical perspective. Within this he studies the impact of Eastern European state socialism on demographic development and population change.

He participates in the research and development activities of the Institute and its legal predecessors since 1996, and coordinates their international activities since 2002. From 2004 he is a senior researcher and the international consultant form the Echo Survey Sociological Research Institute.

Tamás Ruff
fieldwork manager

He got his sociology degree from the University of Pécs in Hungary. His thesis investigated the issues with regards to the rights of future generations. Since 2004 he is the field research director of the Echo Sociological Research Institute. He is responsible for controlling and supervising data collection and the various other aspects of field research, including sampling procedures and statistical control. His methodological interest is in the effectiveness of various data collection and interview techniques.
He is also interested in researches in environmental sociology, political science and youth issues. He did research in the question of community participation in environmental reconciliation of interests with a special emphasis on the relation of local governmental and civil roles. He participated in the study that mapped the social welfare structure of Székesfehérvár, a county center in Hungary, and also studied the issue of youth demands on local services.




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