Program Evaluation


Applying the methodology of social sciences, Echo Sociological Research Institute supports the work of researchers, policy-makers and NGOs, the preparation of strategic decisions, the monitoring of the decisions and the evaluation of efficiency of execution. In the course of program evaluation projects we apply complex methodology tailored to typical specialties, the subject, the circle of participants and timing of the given program. In the course of the development programs and trainings supported by the European Union, we conduct program evaluation essentially through three phases:


1. evaluation of the program planning

2. process evaluation

3. outcome evaluation


Our current and completed program evaluation projects concern programs on the previous fields:

- consumer protection

- civil society

- labor market issues

- drug prevention in schools

- informal learning

- Youth Exchange Program


If you need further information about our Program Evaluation service, please contact Tamás Domokos, Director of Methodology via the e-mail address.


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