Hosting Program


The Echo Institute established a Hosting Program in 2004. The main purpose of the program is to provide professional and logistic help for international researchers who work on Eastern European issues in sociology, demography, political science or related fields.





We provide the following support for our visitors:

1.        Research base  - an office space with a computer and internet access.

2.        Access to the Echo Library, our in-house research library with various collections, including the methodology and the Eastern European development collections.

3.        Basic information about field research in Eastern Europe, including insights about the institutional structure, social stratification, data sources, civil society and history of these countries, among other relevant knowledge.

4.        Help in organizing field research: accommodation, meetings, transportation, interviews, library research, data collection etc.

5.        Secondary research possibility in our open databases.

6.        Opportunity to work in a professional, dynamic and friendly environment.

This support is free of charge for our visitor researchers. While the Institute does not provide stipend, and all applicants should secure his or her own living expenses, we can help to find places to stay or arrange transportation from Budapest to Székesfehérvár.


What we expect in return:

1.        Professional contribution to the scholarship on Eastern Europe

2.        One copy of the final research study or report for our library

3.        Writing one working paper in the topic of your choice for our working paper series (published in our website).

4.        For you to have a great time and nice experiences while in Eastern Europe! 

To participate in our hosting program, applicants need to submit a letter of application and a research plan containing their planned activates while being in the Hosting Program. There is no particular deadline for this, we accept applications all year around. There is no application fee, and the review of applications is usually done within two weeks.


You can submit an application or ask questions regarding this initiative via the e-mail address.  

Thank you for your interest and hopefully we'll see you among our visitor researchers soon!

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